Clàssics de tots els temps

Clàssics de Tots els Temps (All Time Classics)

The Clàssics de Tots els Temps collection was created at the end of the 1940s. Some of the first books it was responsible for publishing include true literary gems, such as Carles Riba’s translation of the Odyssey in dactylic hexameter (now part of the Col·lecció Bernat Metge), the three-volume translation of The Divine Comedy by Josep Maria de Sagarra, that of the Aeneid in dactylic hexameter by Miquel Dolç and that of Petrarch’s Songbook by Osvald Cardona, among others.

Joan Fuster, writing about this early period, commented:

In recent years, Alpha Publishing House has added a series of works to its extensive and solid repertoire of publications that, due to their historical and literary significance, now constitute and will definitively and emphatically continue to constitute, the most comprehensive and select set of universal literature incorporated into our language. “Clàssics de Tots els Temps” is a collection that in effect responds to the ambition of its title, with the volumes published thus far indisputably standing, both in material terms and of terms of their translators’ quality, as exceptional elements of Catalan bibliography.

The last volume of that period, the Iliad translated by Miquel Peix, was published in 1978.

The second era of the Clàssics de Tots els Temps collection remained faithful to its founding principle of incorporating the works of classical authors from all periods into Catalan culture as premium quality translations, now based on a broader classical concept than that of previous years, which also included the prose and works of Eastern literature. The 10 volumes that it contained were published between 2011 and 2016.

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